Green Skills Credentials

Want to gain recognition and credentials for your learning journeys?

While all Green Skills learning is included in your Green Skills Membership, you can also choose to write exams to earn the certified credentials that prove your expertise in the subject.

Green Skills Credentials

Want to gain recognition and credentials for your learning journeys?

While all Green Skills learning is included in your Green Skills Membership, you can also choose to write exams to earn the certified credentials that prove your expertise in the subject.


Green Skills Credentials

Want to gain recognition and credentials for your learning journeys? While all Green Skills learning is included in your Green Skills Membership, you can also choose to write exams to earn the certified credentials that prove your expertise in the subject.

Follow Learning Path

Prepare for the Exam

Schedule and Take the Exam

Exam Evaluation

Receive Green Skills Credential

Remember that each platform might have its own specific steps and processes for earning Green Skills credentials. Adapt this framework to fit the platform’s guidelines and features. Enjoy the journey of continuous learning and professional growth!